Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012

Two sides of the sun

The scarlet sun ascended           You could have stayed with me
as the tides rose higher              and the dying light, hoping
to kiss the sandy path                we’d burn like ocean rocks do 
that we once walked                   on the offshore heat
on that rainy day of July —          I remember the clouds crying
the wind kicking your hair            on your lashes, concocting
into a vortex of beauty,                a rainbow to appear in the
tangling the frayed locks             border of your irises

Through the years                       Against these motley walls
I have fallen blind                        I have lost my desire to touch,
to view the memories —              my glory in feeling remotely
I have fallen numb                       the way I did when all I ever
to feel the emotions                    could do was grasp the feel
that we shared together              of you

Your swooning smile                   Your gentle hands
shined like diamonds                   felt like an unopened book
and your lustrous eyes                and your heart skipped for
shed a lash for my every              every sigh I exhaled — every
wish — every wish to                   breath I longed to flutter
believe again; every hope             I’m still here under a red star,
to be reunited under that              hoping you’ll take away these
crimson sky, sketched with          moth balls and thorns, for my
blood of desire                            my skins a-bleeding

I love this, I got it from tumblr | subtlebones

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